Becoming a Backpack Hunter: A Beginner’s Guide to Hunting the Backcountry | Josh Kirchner
Becoming a Backpack Hunter:
A Beginner’s Guide to Hunting the Backcountry
This book — from Western Whitetail contributor, Josh Kirchner — was made to take one from the city to the backcountry and talk about everything in between. It was made to answer questions and inspire. When I started backpack hunting, resources were limited, and not in a condensed form. This made the whole process of learning quite taxing. I was constantly trying to find information on the subject, and when I did, I soaked up as much as I could. It took years and was the reason it took me so long to get into the field. The unknown can be a scary thing. Let this book bridge the gap that is keeping you from chasing your dreams of adventure, pursuing the wild meat we all know and crave.
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