First Day Coues
by Conrad Sheley
I made my way downwind, and my wife waited behind me as I glassed for the buck. I didn’t find him, but I did find three very nice bucks feeding 230-yards away. They were feeding out of the thick mesquites and into the bottom of the draw. My plan was to sneak down the bottom of the draw and let the air out of one of them. As it usually goes, I didn’t make it very far into my plan, or the draw, before I had to change things up. At about 200-yards out, I walked around a juniper and I saw a buck looking right at me from 90-yards away. I slowly moved back behind the juniper and waited. Fortunately, it didn’t take long before things got interesting. I watched through the branches waiting for that buck to move on or bolt. Nothing, but I saw something moving behind him. It was a couple more bucks that had no idea were there. They started down the draw right towards me. I held tight behind the juniper and the bucks started filing across the hillside at 60-yards. I started to count and got to nine before I saw what I thought was just a nice 4×4. I waited for him to stop.
The rain started coming down a little harder and I wasted no time looking for blood and the buck because I knew after three arrows he couldn’t have gone far. I found him dead about 40-yards from where he disappeared over the berm. As I walked up, I noticed a couple extra points on him. I didn’t pick him up immediately because I wanted my wife to see. I went back to get her from her vantage point where she informed me she watched the action unfold. Once we got back to the buck and pulled his head out of the brush, I knew this was a monster Coues buck! I had no idea when I shot him that he had all those extra points or the incredible mass. I was speechless! I had taken my first velvet Coues deer. The buck had eight points on one side and six on the other, with an official score of 119 2/8 gross and 112 7/8 net non-typical. He should be the number two non-typical, velvet Coues deer in Pope and Young. This buck is most definitely a buck-of-a-lifetime, and the best part of the entire hunt was that my wife was there with me to see it all go down.
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