Interest in Archery Programs Soars After New Hunger Games Movie
Dec. 8, 2014
Arizona Game and Fish Department launches web page for people wanting to learn.
To assist newcomers with getting started, the Arizona Game and Fish Department has created a new web page,
“We have seen an incredible influx of youngsters looking into classes and researching archery,” said Tanja Washburn, archery education coordinator for Game and Fish. “We felt it was important to have a resource page where people can go to get the most requested information on how to begin.”
Game and Fish has posted archery tips and facts on the new web page, covering such subjects as types of archery, basic techniques, types of bows, and where you can learn. New topics will be added each day over the next week.
Updates to will be announced on the Game and Fish Facebook page,, and via Twitter, @azgfd.
“Archery is a lifetime sport that can be enjoyed by both the young and the young at heart,” Washburn said. “We felt it was important to have a place where people can the find information to learn safe, responsible and appropriate use of archery equipment and its role in wildlife conservation.”