Next Deer Season Begins Now!
by Thomas Grill
It is never too early to start preparing for next season.
Now is the time to get your finances back in order so that you have money to apply for licensing and to purchase that new high-tech equipment that you are yearning for. Meanwhile, don’t forget to start scheduling your vacation time around your favorite hunting hot spot. While these may be the first few things on your agenda, hunting season will be among us in no time.
Below are three important factors for hunting success. If you want to increase your odds next fall, begin now.
In the beginning of our existence, physical fitness was the primary key to our own species’ survival. Presently, we have become so spoiled with the option of using motorized vehicles that we are starting to lack in this category. Of course you remember how hard your heart was pounding and how heavy you were breathing while stomping through the brush last year. If you neglect this aspect of preparation, climbing that hill next season is not going to get any easier. There is an extremely large array of work out routines that you can tailor to help you preform to your utmost level in the field. It is never too early to get into some sort of physical fitness routine. Trust me, you will thank yourself on opening day. REALISTIC SITUATIONAL SHOOTING
The most disregarded forms of hunting preparation is realistic situational shooting. You may have mastered shooting your weapon off of a bench rest or in an indoor environment with each of your projectiles’ puncture marks kissing one another, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that you can do so in a real hunting situation. No matter what your weapon of choice may be, to become a more proficient shooter in the field you must train like you hunt. Shooting while wearing your hunting clothing and gear from different angles, ranges, and positions will give you the experience needed to assess any possible changes needed to your attire or weapon skills you should improve on. Do not use poor weather as an excuse. It will add a little more of an authentic touch to your shooting setting.- KEEP YOUR KNOWLEDGE UPDATED AND CONTINUE TO LEARN
The retention of knowledge in regards to the animal is the ultimate form of respect you can show toward it. You should never stop scouting, patterning, and learning your targeted species. The most important key to greater success in the field, is obtaining behavioral, biological and psychological knowledge of these creatures. As the saying goes “If you don’t use it, you lose it”. This means that you must be repetitive in learning the actual animal. Also, you should not be using brand new equipment on opening morning without field testing and learning its capabilities beforehand. Being proficient with your equipment should not be a part-time job. You should continue to use and practice with these items throughout the offseason. Waiting until the last minute to prepare for hunting season is a mistake that you do not want to make.